In the presence of our Provincial, Rev. Fr. A. Dharmaraj, the members of Education and Stewardship Forums gathered together for their meeting at our Provincialate at 9.30 a.m., on 9th January. The meeting started with the words of welcome said by Fr. D. Amirtha Rajan, the Secretary of Education Forum, who also expounded on the deliberations of FEFR. Fr. C. Sebastin Raj, the PCIC of Education, moderated the meeting further as the Forum took up various points for discussions. Fr. K. Ignacimuthu contributed a lot to the discussion from the legal side by way of suggestions and advice. The last part of the meeting was dedicated to Stewardship Forum wherein Fr. M. Nicholas, the Provincial Bursar, opened up the discussions on the financial matters and need for having budget system in our province. Finally, Rev. Fr. Provincial exhorted the gathering by sharing his observations and suggestions. The meeting came to an end at 4.30 p.m.
Fr. V. Yesuraja