SFSMatriculation School, Kelambakkam in Kanchipuram District was started by Fr. A.Edward in 2009 in response to the public demand for an EnglishMedium School in this locality. Fr. Edward was succeeded by Fr. V. Ferdinand Sahaya Selvan in February 2010. There were five efficient teachers and 180 students. Fr. V. Ferdinand Selvan completed the school building which was initiated by Fr. A. Edward. In February the school was shifted from church campus to this new school building, which is 2 km away from the parish. Now the School has a total strength of 372 students, who are assisted by 11 teachers.

Vision and Mission Statement

As Fransalians, we resolve to develop a holistic society of compassionately human, spiritually enlightened, intellectually awakened, professionally skilled, socially committed and culturally integrated persons based on the values as lived and taught by Jesus Christ and followed by Saint Francis De Sales. We also resolve to promote education based on values to uplift the life style of the people of the locality. We also resolve to bring unity among people and to better the understanding of the parents towards their children for their promising future


 Name  Year
 Fr. V. Ferdinand Sahaya Selvan  Feb 2010 -2011
 Fr. G. Jagannathan  2011-2012
 Fr. A. Jaganathan  2012


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