“Friendships begun in this world will be taken up again, never to be broken off.” Saint Francis de Sales
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“Friendships begun in this world will be taken up again, never to be broken off.” Saint Francis de Sales
Continue Reading“Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections.” Saint Francis de Sales
Continue Reading“Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength.” Saint Francis de Sales
Continue Reading“Through devotion, your family cares become more peaceful, mutual love between husband and wife becomes more sincere, the service we owe to the prince more faithful, and our work, no matter what it is, becomes more pleasant and agreeable.” Saint Francis de Sales
Continue Reading“So many have come to me that I might serve them, leaving me no time to think of myself. However, I assure you that I do feel deep down within me, God be praised.” Saint Francis de Sales
Continue Reading“The thoughts of those moved by natural human love are almost completely fastened on the beloved, their hearts are filled with passion for it, and their mouths full of its praises.” Saint Francis de Sales
Continue Reading“There are no galley-slaves in the royal vessel of divine love – every man works his oar voluntarily!” Saint Francis de Sales
Continue Reading“Retire at various times into the solitude of your own heart, even while outwardly engaged in discussions or transactions with others, and talk to God.” Saint Francis de Sales
Continue Reading“While I am busy with little things, I am not required to do greater things.” Saint Francis de Sales
Continue Reading“Make friends with the angels, who though invisible are always with you. Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs.” Saint Francis de Sales
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