Every end is a new beginning. It was a wonderful opportunity to come together as an Education Forum on 9th of March 2019 at our Provincial House. It was just a follow up of the previous meeting, where we had a fruitful discussion on transformation towards uniform pattern and design for the forthcoming academic year 2019-2020. Perhaps it had been one of the long awaited decisions in the recent past. And this time the forum members felt the need for a change in quality, innovation and at the same time a unique Fransalian Identity in our apostolate of educating the young particularly in our context.
The meeting began with half an hour of adoration led by Fr. Amirtha Nathan and Fr. M. Simon Prabu. After the adoration, all the members of the Forum gathered in the Seminar Hall. Rev. Fr. Ignacimuthu, our Provincial graced the occasion. Rev. Fr. J. B. Thadews welcomed all and in particular welcomed Rev. Fr. J. Stephen, the newly elected General Councilor for Social and Innovative Ministry. Lot of success stories were shared by the Principals of our schools in a holistic way, which included not only achievements but also challenges in the present social and political scenario. Major thoughts were shared for the possibilities of a new school in the ITI Campus at Pudukkottai and looking for new land in Kelambakkam, Chennai. An elaborate discussion took place regarding the textbooks and common uniforms.
All the members thanked the Desalites, teaching and non-teaching staff and our own conferrers for helping the people affected by Gaja Cyclone. It was also noted that we need to be faithful, transparent, inspiring, and updating ourselves according to the need of the hour. There was a demo session on the School info software and KIPS computer textbooks. There was a suggestion that the procurators also along with the principals and correspondents should attend the Education Forum Meeting. Rev. Fr. J. Stephen, the General Councilor for Social and Innovative ministry conveyed his greetings on behalf of our Superior General and Curia. He thanked the Provincial Administration and in a very special way thanked all the members of the Education Forum and the Core Committee. The meeting came to an end with a short prayer.
Fr. M. Simon Prabu