- Our Community being our family and support, we will continue to strengthen our community life by participation in daily community prayer, Eucharistic celebration, Eucharistic adoration, common meal, monthly recollections, and annual retreats. Implementation: Local Superior & Provincial.
- All communities will form themselves into disciplined and healthy communities with Local Superiors and the members remaining accountable to each other regarding their duties and responsibilities to the community. Provincials will ensure providing orientation and training regarding the same to the Local Superiors and members. Implementation: Local Superior Provincial.
- Confreres in multi-cultural communities in the Congregation will use a common language for communication. Implementation: Local Superior.
- Without being extravagant, Local Superiors will organize and facilitate programs and events for the members to promote recreation, personal development, fraternal bonding, manual labor, sports and games, and family spirit. Implementation: Local Superior.
- Provincials will ensure the establishment of more Local Communities in view of gradually reducing of “Neighborhood Local Communities.” Implementation: Provincial.
- Provincial Secretaries will ensure that all documents coming from the General and Provincial Administrations reach all confreres either electronically or by regular mail. Implementation: Provincial.
- All our communities and places of ministry will display in their respective places the articulation of our Charism with its Four Basics, our three foundational Apostolates, our Vision, and our Mission. Implementation: Provincial & Local Superior.
Posted on by adminmsfs