The awaited scholastic meeting for the year 2019 was held in the Provincialate on 4th to 7th of April. There were fourteen of us and we arrived on the 4th evening. The meeting commenced after the dinner with orientation talk by Fr. Santhiyagu, the Councilor in-charge of Formation. Frs. Christu Raj MSFS and Prem Kumar MSFS were the resource persons to animate the two day sessions with their inspirational talks and life experiences. For the first two days, we followed the same schedule. We had Morning Prayer followed by mass in the morning and each day had different themes for reflection and sharing. On the first day, Fr. Prem Kumar talked to us on the theme of dynamics of community and social adjustments. He enlightened and inspired us to reflect on how to make adjustments in society and community life, following the Core values and real identity of Jesus with conviction. In the evening we had the Stations of the Cross on Friday and Eucharistic adoration on Saturday. On the second day, Fr. Christu Raj talked to us on the theme of Conviction in Commitment.
At the end of the each session, different groups were formed to discuss and find out solutions for the various problems in our religious communities and societies. The meeting came to an end with a day trip to Kodaikanal. As a whole, our get together was indeed an enriching experience and grace-filled moment of sharing and praying together. At this moment, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Rev. Fr. Provincial for his encouragement and loving support. We also sincerely appreciate and thank Rev Fr. Santhiyagu, Msfs for taking keen interest in the growth of the scholastics, accompanying us and motivating us to be formed as committed Fransalian missionaries with right focus and goal in life.
Dn. J. Naveen