After having visited two of our parishes, Giumarra and Castel di Iudica in Italy, Rev. Fr. A. Dharmaraj, our Provincial along with our confreres, Fr. A. Jayaseela Rajan, Fr. A. Jeyaraj and Fr. H. Ebin Christopher, arrived at Grammichele at 9.00 a.m. on 29th February, 2016. The parishioners of St. Ann’s Church, Grammichele gave all our fathers a warm welcome and we celebrated Holy Eucharist with them. Fr. Ebin Christopher presided over the celebration and Fr. Provincial gave a short message on “You are the beautiful temple of God.” The people were overwhelmed with abundant joy for having participated in the sacred meal together with all of us. They too expressed their happiness over our presence in the diocese of Caltagirone.
Fr. Suvakkin Johnson, Msfs