SFS Matriculation School, Nalattinputhur, celebrated its Decennial Celebration with unprecedented fanfare on 20th January, 2020. The mega event started off with a prayer dance. The Principal, Rev.Fr.J.Savarimuthu, welcomed the august gathering, while Fr.C.John Brito, the Correspondent and Fr.Maria John Franklin, the Procurator felicitated the Special Invitees. The programme commenced with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp by the distinguished guests
The panel of dignitaries consisted of the Chief Guest Rev. Fr.K.Ignacimuthu MSFS, the Provincial of South-East India Province and the General Manager of the SFS Group Schools, Mr.V.Mariyappan, the DEO of Koilpatti, and fathers, sisters, parents, staff and students. Rev. Fr.K.Ignacimuthu MSFS, the Provincial of South-East Province, lauded and praised the School Management for raising the educational standard around this locality through their hard work and commitment. The DEO was very much appreciative of the service, rendered by the MSFS Fathers, in this locality. There was a well organised mega Cultural Event by the students. The students presented mesmerizing cultural events such as dances, plays, yoga demonstration and Karate demonstration etc. The gathering was visibly impressed by the impeccable performance showcased by the students across different grades.
The vote of thanks was proposed by the Correspondent, Rev.Fr.C.John Britto. In his address, he thanked the Chief Guest, Dignitaries and parents for having spared their time to attend the function. He also thanked staff and students and the management for organizing the function successfully. The entire school participated wholeheartedly towards the success of this grand event.