It was a joyful occasion for the Fransalian community at Ammapatti parish to have our provincial Rev. Fr. Ignacimuthu visiting the proposed land for our Fransalian Spirituality Center at Kodai Road on 21st January, 2019. We have completed all the necessary procedures and continue to do the preliminary preparations for the construction. Hence, as our provincial visited the land and gave us his valuable suggestions regarding the work to be carried out, he also blessed the foundation stone for the Spirituality Center in the presence of Fr. Antony Christopher, the parish priest, Fr. A. Santhiyagu, Fr. S. Edward Xavier, Fr. A. Justin Dhiraviam, Fr. Santhanam, and some of the parishioners. I sincerely thank our provincial, the administration and all our fathers for their continued support and prayers.
Fr. A. Santhiyagu