1. St. James Church, Ravusapatty
Rev. K. Fr. Ignacimuthu, the Provincial made his Canonical Visitation to Ravusapatty Parish, on 5th August, 2018, Sunday. In the morning, he celebrated the Holy Eucharist in the Parish Church, during the sermon; he animated the people to have deep faith in the Lord and also in oneself (i.e. to live a meaningful Christian life). At the end of the Holy Eucharistic Celebrations, the village heads of the parish honoured and welcomed the Provincial. After the Eucharistic celebration, there was a meeting held with the village heads of all the substations. In the meeting, various things were discussed. People were highly appreciative of the spiritual and social services rendered by MSFS Priests and Brothers in the Parish for the last few years. They also requested and proposed certain developmental works in the parish. Finally, the Provincial informed the people that for the coming years, the MSFS Priests will be continuing their services
in Ravusapatty Parish as the contract has been signed with the Diocese. He also asked the parishners to continue to co-operate with the parish priest in the parish works.
The provincial also made a visit to one of the substations (Alangapatti), which is the biggest substation in the parish and celebrated the Holy Eucharistic celebration. He was very happy to meet the people there. He also visited the sisters, who are rendering their valuable services in the parish and appreciated their social services. Finally, he came to the Presbytery and went through the Parish Registers, documents and advised the parish priest to maintain properly the records of the parish in orderly manner. It was really a great blessing for the Parishners and for the Parish
Fr. A. Innacimuthu
2. Mary Help of Christian Church, Vaniyambadi
The provincial made his canonical visitation on 26th September 2018. It was a joy for the parishners of Vaniyambadi. The people welcomed him at the entrance of the church for theEucharistic celebration at 7:45 am. Fr. Provincial celebrated the Eucharist with spiritual thoughts. Soon after the mass, there was a public meeting with the parishners in the church and group meetings in the presbytery, where the people explained their Socio-Economic conditions. They also insisted on the regular scholarship for the students and other helps.
Fr. Provincial addressed the congregation with adequate assurances to do some help for the poor students for their studies through the parish priest. We had lunch at 1:30 pm followed by personal meeting. He went through all the records and document of the parish. He also gave some guidance for the good maintenance of the parish. Provincial’s canonical visit was really enriching and encouraging both to the parishners and the parish priest.
Fr. M. Maria Francis Britto
3. SFS Matriculation School, Vaniyambadi
Canonical Visit of a major superior is always an event of joy and inspiration for the community. The Provincial visited us on 2nd and 3rd of September, 2018. During the community meeting on 2nd of September, 2018, the Provincial encouraged and motivated the confreres. During this meeting, he listened to our concerns and each member shared their life in the community.
The next day on 3 rd of September, 2018, we had the Morning Prayer and Mass along with the children and Caretakers from friendly Home. This day was dedicated for the school. The morning assembly was organized by the green Growers, and the children welcomed Fr. Provincial with a welcome dance. During his address to the students, he insisted on the importance of prayer and discipline in life.
It was also a great day for the Friends of Fransalians, because the third batch of Friends of Fransalians was introduced on this day and in the presence of the Provincial, they took Oath to be the members of Friends of Fransalians. He took time to verify all the school records. The Teaching and non-teaching staff had great joy in meeting and sharing their concerns with the Provincial. In his meeting with the Teaching and non-teaching staff, he thanked the dedicated and committed service of the teachers and other staff. He also motivated them to be more aware of their role as teachers.
In the afternoon, the common meeting of all the communities (Both schools and the parish) was held and each one shared their concerns. During the meeting, it was agreed to appoint Fr. Jerry Louis as coordinator of all the three communities.
Fr. J. B. John Thadews
4. SFS Matriculation School, Alangayam
On 3rd of September, 2018 evening, our community at Alangayam received the provincial with great enthusiasm and happiness. Immediately after his arrival, we had the community meeting presided over by our provincial. It was a heartwarming meeting, as our provincial listened to the ups and downs of all the individual confreres’ life story in the past months. After listening to all the personal sharing, the provincial encouraged us to continue our ministry here with more passion and commitment. He also expressed his joy and happiness at the community and religious atmosphere prevailing in Alangayam. During his meeting, he also went through the account books, chronicles and visitor’s note and all the other important documents.
On 4th September, 2018 morning, the Provincial presided over the Holy Eucharist in Friendly home during which he prayed in a special way for all the children at Friendly Home. On this occasion, the Principal Fr. Jerry Louis arranged a cultural event in order to honour and felicitate our Provincial. During this cultural programme filled with colourful performance by the students, the Provincial Fr. Ignacimuthu gave an inspiring message for the children. He said every SFS Student should follow the following four ideals, e.g. to Pray, to study, to respect the elders and teachers and to have good character by acquiring right discipline. After the cultural programme, the provincial met and addressed the teaching staff.
The visit brought in very positive energy for all the confreres, students, teaching and non- teaching staff.
Fr. S. Jerry Louis
5. St. Joseph’s Church, Perungozhi
Indeed, I was very happy to receive our Provincial on 16th of September, Sunday 2018. Fr. Provincial came early in the morning and celebrated the Sunday Mass with an encouraginghomily instructing the people to face the difficulty, problem and trials with perseverance and confidence in the Lord.
After the Holy Mass, the Provincial met the Legion of Mary, the Elders of the Parish and the Catechism students. The Parishners expressed their joy and happiness to our provincial regarding his visit, especially talking and sharing about the Construction of the New Church for Perungozhi. That was the most urgent request of the whole parish. Fr. Provincial gave them the assurance that it will begin soon with the help of Bishop of Chenglepet and the local contribution and the support of the Province. The people were happy to receive this Good News from our Provincial.
Later, the Provincial visited all the Substations (Katiampathal, Nelvoy and Kunnavakkam) and our land. The Sisters had the joy of inviting the Provincial to their convent, and he met them. Then the Provincial checked all the documents of the parish and had instructed me to maintain few more documents for the betterment of the Parish.
It was indeed a great happiness and joy to have the Canonical Visit of our Fr. Provincial to my parish. The people were very happy to sit and discuss with Fr. Provincial. It was a wonderful visit in fact.
Fr. P. Felix
6. Our Lady of Fathima Church, Kodungal
On 23.09.2018 at 07.45 am, Fr. M. Sahaya Raj, the parish priest of Kodungal along with the parishners gave a warm welcome to Rev. Fr. K. Ignacimuthu, the Provincial Superior. Fr. Provincial presided over the Holy Eucharist at 08. am. In his homily, he preached about importance of the development of parish and exhorted to oblige the instructions of the parish priest and grow up in the spiritual activities of the parish. He appreciated the hard work of the parishioners for their contribution towards the growth and development of the parish.
After the mass, he met the heads of the parish community. He instructed how to grow in prayer life and spoke about education and our rights. Then he met Legion Mother Mary and appreciatedthe spiritual growth of the same. He also met the Vincent De Paul society people and urged them to work for the growth of the poor and raise their economic and social status. He appreciated Altar Boys and asks them to be obedient and invited them to come forward for the religious way of life.
He also met leaders of the substations and enquired about their spiritual life and their wellbeing. Thereafter he verified all the records and documents of the parish. At the end of the canonical visitation, he appreciated the parish priest for his hard work and dedication towards the wellbeing of the parish.
Fr. M. Sahaya Raj
7. Christ the Redeemer Church, Kelambakkam
The parish of Kelambakkam had a joyful celebration of the Feast of the Servant of God, Blessed Peter Marie Mermier as it was coupled with the canonical visitation of our provincial, Rev. Fr. Ignacimuthu. The celebration of the day began with the Holy Eucharist followed by the felicitation ceremony during which the 11th issue of FRANSALIAN EDUTIMES INTERNATIONAL was released in the esteemed presence of Rev. Fr. George Mathew Msfs, the General Secretary for Education. The Eco-Friendly centered volume was unveiled by Fr. Provincial. The first copy was given to Fr. George and the second copy to one of the teachers from the parish.
The important event of the day was Provincial’s meeting with various councils, groups and the pious associations of the parish during which each of them presented their detailed report on their activities in the parish. Fr. Provincial was very much appreciative of the systematic administration and organization of the parish under the guidance and the leadership of the parish priest Fr. J. Stephen Msfs and the associates Fr. Martin Anand Msfs and Fr. Simon Prabu Msfs.
As of now, the whole focus and the attention of the parish is directed towards the completion of the new church, Fr. Provincial exhorted everyone to support and encourage each other to complete the project as early as possible. People also thanked the provincial for the various developments in the parish and in particular the MSFS supporting the ongoing Church Construction.
The canonical visit continued with the community meeting and the discussion with the community members about the future projects and the ministries of the parish. The necessary documents were checked and the last updates of the registers and the bank accounts were verified. Fr. Provincial was very much appreciative of the conferrers for their dedicated service. Fr. Provincial visited Thaiyur, the substation of the parish, in the evening, along with the Bethlamite Sisters. Thanks to Fr. Provincial.
Fr. Martin Anand