The 6th of June, 2020 was a very memorable day for MSFS study house, Janampet, as 13 of our brothers made their Final Commitment. It was indeed joyful occasion for our Province, as two of our brothers namely, Bro. Britto Clinton Msfs & Bro. S. Maria Arockiam Msfs, made their Final Commitment. Holy Eucharistic Celebration began at 9:30 AM, presided over by Rev.Fr. Chinnappa Reddy, the Provincial Superior of Visakhapatnam, who received the vows and welcomed them into the Congregation as permanent members, in the presence of Rev. Fr. Sesetti Mariadas Msfs, the Provincial Councilor, Visakhapatnam Province and the Rector and the staff.
We thank God Almighty for the blessings and graces upon each one of us. We take this opportunity to thank Rev. Fr. Ignacimuthu, our Provincial Superior and the Councilors for their prayerful support.
Bro. P. Aspel Kishok MSFS