Follow up to the General Chapter, 2019
As province, the “Call of General Chapter 2019” needs to be reflected, assimilated and interiorized both at the personal and community level. For this purpose, special Apostolic Community meetings are called for. Each apostolic Community meeting will be animated by a Capitulant of the General Chapter, 2019. The overseas units are also requested to come together in their own local communities for reflection and assimilation of “Call of General Chapter 2019”. The following is the schedule of Apostolic Community Meetings:
Date | Apostolic Community |
03.03.2019 | John De Britto Apostolic Community, Pudukkottai– Animation by Fr. Kanikkai Nathan |
07.03.2019 | St. Thomas Apostolic Community, Chennai – Animation by Provincial |
11.03.2019 | St. Mary´s Apostolic Community, Villupuram – Animation by Fr. J. Stephen |
11.03.2019 | Fr. Peter Mermier Apostolic Community, Trichy – Animation by Fr. Kanikkai Nathan |
12.03.2019 | Fr. John Bosco Apostolic Community, Virudunagar – Animation by Fr. Arul Francis |
26/27.03.2019 | SFS Apostolic Community, Vaniyambadi – Animation by Fr. Arul Francis |
The Feast of our Heavenly Patron St. Francis De Sales and the Silver Jubilee of Rev. Fr. C. Sebastin Raj
It was a time of celebration for our South East India Province as it celebrated the feast of our Patron St. Francis De Sales and the Silver Jubilee of the ordination of Rev. Fr. C. Sebastin Raj, Msfs. The celebration began with the Eucharist celebration at 10 a.m, presided over by the Jubilarian. Many of our MSFS fathers participated in the celebration. Many diocesan and religious priests, sisters and brothers were also part of the celebration. After the holy Eucharist, the Jubilarian was honored for
his 25 years of service as a priest. Fr. Abin thanked all for their participation in the celebration. Then the Jubilarian cut the cake and expressed his joy to everyone. It was followed by fellowship meal together. It was a great day to celebrate the feat of our Patron and the Silver Jubilee of our father. The day was colorful and memorable.
Regents’ meeting
The annual Regents’ meeting and orientation was held from 27th to 29th of January 2019 at Ammapatti parish. The program was organized by Rev. Fr. A. Santhiyagu, the councilor in charge of formation. We began the meeting on 27th evening with rosary. On the following day on Jan 28th, we had Morning Prayer followed by meeting and animation. We joined the people in the evening for the parish mass. The meeting was animated by Rev. Fr. Selvamani on the theme “Leadership: the Qualities and the Challenges of Leadership”. We had two talks in the morning which were inspiring and practically enriching. After the talks, we had a sharing of our experiences from each one’s ministry places. On the following day, a one day picnic to Kodaikanal was arranged and Fr. Selvamani accompanied us and we had a very good time together.
As a whole, the regency meeting was a joyful occasion of praying, sharing and living together in our parish community. It was a joyful and pastorally enlightening experience for all of us. We really enjoyed our meeting and get together in the company of our fathers in the Ammapatty parish community. It was a new experience for all of us. We take this opportunity to thank God for his providential care and guidance. We express our sincere thanks to Rev. Fr. A. Santhiyagu, Msfs the councillor in charge of formation for arranging such a wonderful meeting and we also thank Fr. Selvamani for animating the meeting and inspiring us with his talks and personal sharing. We express a special thanks to Fr. Antony Christopher the parish priest of Ammapatti for arranging our stay in the parish.
Bro. S. Vimal Raj
Ordination to Diaconate, SFS Study House, Eluru
The 19th of January 2019 was a very memorable day for the South-East India Province, as two of our brothers namely Bros. A .Desas and J. Michael Raja received Diaconate Ordination at S.F.S Study House, Janampet. From South-East province we welcomed Rev. Frs. A. Santhiyagu and Antony Raj participated in the celebration. The ceremony began at 5 p.m and Rt. Rev. Bishop Carl Alan Kemme, Bishop of Wichita (U.S.A) presided over the Holy Eucharist and shared his thoughts and reflections on the theme “I Have Called You, You are Mine”. Rev. Fr. Santhiyagu gave the commentary in Tamil for the Diaconate Ordination. Rev. Fr. Chinnappa Reddy, the Provincial of Visakhapatnam Province and many of the fathers were present for the Holy Eucharistic celebration. At the end of the celebration, Bro.Micheal Raja expressed the words of gratitude to Rt. Rev. Bishop Carl Alan Kemme and to everyone present. Rt. Rev. Bishop congratulated the newly Ordained Deacons with flowers and we had the cake cutting ceremony. The celebration came to an end at 8 p.m with a delicious meal. It was a great day for the S.F.S Study House, Eluru and for the South-East India Province.
Bro. S. Maria Arockiam.
Ordination to Diaconate, Tejas Vidya Peetha, Bangaluru
It was an unforgettable and gracious day for ‘Tejas Vidya Peetha’ as six of the conferrers (five MSFS and one OSB) were raised to serve at the altar through the ordination of Diaconate on 18th of February, 2019. It was indeed a blissful and joyous event particularly for our province as two of our gems received their diaconate ordination. “To serve the Lord in Joyful Holiness” was the theme of the diaconate ordination. Most Rev. Dr. T. Anthony Samy, Bishop of Chikmaglur, presided over the ceremony and exhorted the deacons to serve the Lord in joyful holiness and ordained them as deacons.
It was also an added delight with the presence of Rev. Fr. Benny Kootanal, the provincial of South West Province, Rev. Fr. Santhiyagu, the councillor in charge of Formation (S.E), Rev. Fr. Santhosh Kumar, Councillor in charge of formation (S.W) and many of the conferrers from far and wide. It was also encouraging as many of our conferrers were present from Pudukkottai, Vaniyambadi, Alangayam and Kolli Hills Communities. The ceremony began at 6.00 pm followed by the Fellowship meal. At this juncture, we take this privilege to thank God Almighty for his providence for the meaningful celebration and Bishop, Most Rev. Dr. T. Anthony Samy for his kind gesture of love in coming over and ordaining our brothers. We also thank all the priests, sisters, friends, relatives and well-wishers for partaking in our joy. On behalf of Tejas family, we congratulate the deacons and wish them all the best in their ministry as deacons.
Bro. Nirmal Kumar
Inauguration and Blessing of Haus Misaela of Friendly Home, Alangayam
On 19.02.2019, in the evening, Provincial of South-East India Province, Fr. K. Ignacimuthu blessed another newly built house in the Friendly Home campus. This was followed by the Felicitation programme to honour and thank all the guests and benefactors. The Programme began with prayer dance kindling the presence of God amidst all of us. It was followed by releasing of the first ever Magazine of Friendly Home with the title, ‘Knowledge the eighth Sacrament’. Mr. Johannes Blum, a benefactor from Germany released the magazine and Rev. Fr. Amirtharajan, the Councillor in charge of Innovative Forum received the first copy. We had thoughtful messages from Fr. K. Ignacimuthu, the Provincial and Mr. Siva Kalaivanan, the Chairman, Children Welfare Committee. Mr. Johness Blum gave us an inspiring message.
We also had a cultural programme starting with fusion dance revealing the Indian culture, and also the collaboration of our culture with the other cultures. We also had the Documentary Video of the daily activities of Friendly Home. The Programme had a great ending with ultra violet programme of Innovation. Then the Director thanked everyone present for the function.
Fr. X. George Navin